Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain – This condition is a lasting pain on the outer side of the ankle that often develops after an injury such as a sprain or fracture of the ankle.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) – This chronic condition, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is an unexplained feeling of pain and discomfort that most commonly affects an arm, leg, hand or foot. Often, it begins in the hand or foot and then spreads to affect the entire limb.

Phantom Limb Pain – This condition, common among amputees, is a painful sensation that seems to originate in a missing limb. It is different from stump pain, which is pain in the stump of an amputated limb generally caused by overuse or a poorly-fitting prosthesis.

Plantar Fasciitis – Plantar fasciitis is an irritation of the plantar fascia. This thick band of connective tissue travels across the bottom of the foot between the toes and the heel. It supports the foot’s natural arch. It stretches and becomes taut whenever the foot bears weight.

Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle – Rheumatoid arthritis, a condition of the immune system that can attack joints throughout the body, commonly affects the foot and ankle. It can make walking painful and difficult.

Ankle Nerve Block – This outpatient procedure numbs the ankle and foot with an injection of local anesthesia. Typically, it is used for surgery on the foot. The block requires a series of injections that will numb up to five nerves in the ankle.